Captain Darren Hartmann, Chairman of the Delta Air Lines Master Executive Council of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) representing the pilots at Delta Air Lines, delivers a video message of support for Delta’s technical operations, flight attendants, ramp, cargo, and tower workers in their efforts to organize with the Teamsters, AFA-CWA, and IAM, respectively.

Captain Hartmann pledges that Delta’s 17,000 union pilots stand with all of Delta’s employees who are seeking union representation.

“Together, you are 50,000 employees strong, and we stand behind you with unwavering support and solidarity. Having a union and legally enforceable contract has served Delta pilots well during our long history here at Delta,” says Captain Hartmann. 

“Only through our union were we able to achieve the industry-leading contract that Delta pilots enjoy today. You, too, deserve the best pay, benefits, and working conditions in the industry.”

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