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Tone Deaf

Across the system, an intense discussion is taking place about bump caps. Delta Air Lines management has taken notice of the growing anger in the ranks. Here is a portion of their email comments about the issue.

“…we hear your feedback about them and are continuing to try to increase the options available, particularly in the hot summer months, which is why we have two new bump cap styles: a Bandana Bump Cap and Bucket Hat Bump Cap…in fact based on employee feedback, we are introducing a tan bucket hat bump cap later this year.”

Delta, could you be anymore tone deaf? Direct relationship? Please. The issue isn’t the style or the color. They could be any color and it still wouldn’t change the fact that in extreme summer heat, adding anything, especially plastic, to the top of your head will increase the likelihood of heat stroke and exhaustion. And adding discipline and write-ups to the picture only makes matters worse. United, American, Southwest, Alaska – not one of them requires the use of bump caps.

The email goes on to say, “We’ve heard the IAM has claimed it could negotiate a ‘no bump cap’ policy at Delta. A union can’t unilaterally decide what ends up in an agreement…” But a union can use the power of a united membership to make safety gains, which is exactly what the Teamsters just did at UPS when they negotiated air-conditioning and fans for delivery trucks. So, Delta, please, just stop.

Ramp and cargo people, Delta is telling you what to do. Some more from the email, “We know it is particularly hot in some locations right now. Please remember you can stop the operation if you see a potential risk or hazard, including heat-related concerns.” When you stop operations for “heat-related concerns” and your OSM asks you why, just quote the corporate email. Please call OSHA, as well, to report your concern. 1-800-321-6742.  


UPS Contract

Three-hundred-forty thousand UPS workers will soon vote on whether to approve the agreement presented by their negotiating committee. Because they have a union, management doesn’t just get to determine wages, benefits and work rules. Workers get to vote and having a union pays. Part-time warehouse workers will now start with at least $21 per hour. In metropolitan areas, that rate will be as high as $26 per hour with many going above $30 per hour by the end of the contract. Thousands of additional full time jobs will be added for those who want them. Mandatory overtime has been largely abolished. Full time package truck drivers will be making $49 per hour by the end of the contract. It’s time for the frontline, essential and indispensable ramp, cargo and tower workers to be paid what they are worth. Did we mention that their health insurance is low deductible with no premium?


Swissport RSW   

Congratulations to Swissport fuelers in Fort Meyers. They just voted overwhelmingly to join the IAM. Let’s join them soon.


Used Blue Juice

Delta has an anti-union talking point basically cautioning us to “be careful, anything you want to negotiate also MUST be approved by us.”

But let’s keep in mind that Delta approved a pilot contract that includes retro payments for multiple years in which pilots waited for their contract to be settled. In these years, Delta didn’t even turn a profit or the profit was minimal due to the pandemic. Delta willingly allowed the pilots to include those previous years of retro pay into this current year’s wages. Why does that matter? This means a pilot gets to dip into the profit sharing pool with an exaggerated yearly income which includes this year’s wages PLUS their retro pay for years we weren’t even profitable!

Delta, if the buck stops with you, why did you allow another group to dip into this year’s profit sharing with additional compensation? Why would you make this agreement that works against the rest of your workforce especially when you pride yourself on our compensation relying on profit sharing? You claimed to have our backs.

Folks, don’t get angry, find an organizer and sign a card. Delta looks out for Delta, that’s their job. It’s time we look out for our own best interest.

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