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In a time where people have difficulty agreeing on anything and it’s almost impossible to come to a consensus on almost everything, Delta employees on the ground and in the heat who wear bump caps almost unanimously agree the bump caps raise the temperature around the head to dangerous levels, 20 to 30 degrees above air temperature. Please remember that you are in danger of heat stroke when your body’s core temperature reaches 104 degrees.

Delta has pushed back, claiming these bump caps significantly reduce bumps and cuts to the head. Delta has made, and is continuing to make, the choice of ignoring our concerns on this issue. Question to leadership: If even ONE worker dies from heat stroke, will the reduction of bumps and cuts have been worth it? Your workers are vocal about the danger. You should listen if we are indeed family and have a “direct relationship.”

While we wait for an answer, a dialogue, anything….We are encouraging all agents to call the Delta Complaint line at 1-800-253-7879 and OSHA at 1-800-321-6742. You can make a complaint to OSHA anonymously. You literally have nothing to lose. And please remember, with a union safety committee, this could be addressed right now.

Report From The Tarmac:

“Delta upper management VIP’s” have been in our station the last two days. The bump cap issue came up in a meeting and they said head injuries went down 80% since implementing the bump cap. How are they tracking heat related issues due to bump caps?! I mentioned they should be right by us on the tarmac wearing bump caps while the APU is running and the belt loader is running in this record heat while being outside for 3 hours. Stop!!! Let’s just say not one of them left the shadow of the terminal. So they can’t lead by example or even try to feel what we feel on a daily basis. Their mentality is, “Do as I say” and that’s it!!! Hey, Ed Bastian, I thought we were a family.

Delta Dues

What are “Delta Dues”, you ask? These are the dollars we as Delta employees miss out on by not having a union. When you compare our wages and retirement to those at unionized United, the industry leader, you are losing anywhere between $279 and $723 per month, with the average being $436. In the coming weeks we will show you how much you pay in Delta Dues for insurance, work rules and other areas. Delta wants you to fear union dues, but the reality is your Delta Dues are costing you far more than union dues ever could. 

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