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What is an Institutional Investor?

An institutional investor is a company or organization that invests money on behalf of clients or members. Hedge funds are examples of institutional investors. Institutional investors are considered much savvier than the average investor.

These investors own 70% of Delta in the form of stock. This is who Ed Bastian must  answer to. Do we believe institutional investors would allow industry leading compensation resulting in higher labor costs? That makes zero sense, of course not. These hedge funds invest because they’re out to make themselves and their clients rich, not us. It’s a simple conclusion to understand they have not prioritized our quality of life.

Delta has released their 2nd quarter earnings. It’s the biggest in their history, and Ed Bastian will once again answer to these financially driven investors. Without a seat at the table, we’ve been on the menu. It’s time to change this. Don’t believe the hype. Sign a union authorization card today.

Test Your Ramp IQ

This afternoon, in the process of performing my duties on the ramp in an exemplary and laudable fashion, I, nonetheless, violated policy by stepping over a towbar. Should I:

A: Say nothing. Keep this to myself and hope there were no witnesses and my action wasn’t reported.
B: Confess my transgression to my OSM and hope for benevolence and understanding?
C: Request remedial training.
D: Sign a damn A card.

From ATL:

Wow. The company put this giant generator in the landside bag room in ATL and the fumes in there are unbelievable. You can see the exhaust. Workers are going to start getting sick. I mean bronchitis, asthma, COPD and cancer. Glad I don’t work in there. If we had a union and a safety committee, no one would have to put up with this. 

Broken Promises

In “On the Fly,” April 7, 2023, IFS Communication, addressing “the culture of an airline,” Delta said, “The bottom line: Delta keeps its promises and delivers results.” Read on and you decide.

In 2007 Delta increased the amount of money withheld from pre-merger Delta employees’ pensions. This was part of a so-called “special funding window” that expires on April 1, 2024. Delta has said in writing that they will not be returning to the pre-2007 level of pension payments. This is money Delta employees worked for and were promised. Now Delta is breaking that promise and keeping the money. This affects more than 16,000 employees. This is similar to what they have done to pre-merger Northwest employees who were injured on the job and received a workers comp lump sum settlement. Delta takes money from these employees to pay themselves back for the settlement.

Delta: Stop Union Busting 

The energy level was high as several hundred Delta ramp and cargo agents (IAM), flight attendants (AFA) and mechanics (Teamsters), along with supporters from other unions gathered at Terminal 1 in MSP. Local political and community leaders turned out to show their support as well. They were there to hold Delta accountable for anti-union meetings (especially with new hires) and their harassment and intimidation of workers expressing their views around unionization and the spreading of lies about the impact of unionizing. 

You may have already experienced this yourself, including managers saying that you could lose your flight benefits and profit sharing if you vote for a union or sign a union card. Just remember that these things are not true. We’ll be turning up the heat on Delta in the coming weeks around union busting, safety and arbitrary discipline.  

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